Shared Mission
Build future infrastructure with low-carbon cement and concrete.
Create new jobs and reinforce local economies and local supply chains.
Scale up the low-carbon cement and concrete industrial base.
Promote co-benefit generation and environmental justice in designing the future of manufacturing.
Shared Objectives
Low-Carbon Future
To build future infrastructure with low-carbon cement & concrete.
Local Jobs, Local Supply
To create new American jobs, bolster US competitiveness and reinforce local economies and local supply chains.
Industrial Base Capacity
To scale up the low-carbon cement and concrete industrial manufacturing base.
Environmental Justice
To promote co-benefit generation and environmental justice in designing the future of manufacturing.
Shared Policy Levers
Procurement Policies
Procurement policies that are attempting to buy clean and accelerate innovation are blunted by incrementalist, or supply-limited product offerings.
Early Adopter Platforms
We will seek to use the power of the public sector to convene sandbox testing to build confidence.
Demand Support
A well-constructed demand-side support strategy will unlock additional private financing to commercialize transformational solutions.
Honest Impact Accounting
Ecolabeling is fraught with non-standard accounting.
Production Tax Credits
Per dollar per kg of COâ‚‚ abated, low-carbon cement and concrete is one of the most efficient taxpayer investments in avoiding COâ‚‚.